
King Tut's pure gold mask

Buyers and assayers of platinum, platinum - gold crucibles and laboratory ware. Sell platinum crucibles to a refiner - Midwest Refineries, LLC

Sell Dental Gold scrap crowns, inlays and bridges to a smelter and refiner - Midwest Refiners.

Midwest Refineries, LLC are buyers and refiners of electrolitic Platinum flake

Midwest Refineries, LLC are buyers and smelters of electrolitic recovered silver flake from plating and photography industries

750, 18K Gold jewelry

18k gold pocket watch circa 1760

We are currently facilitating and marketing buyers and sellers for the following:

Real Estate Projects: Buy and sell
Financial Instruments: MTN, BG, SBLC
Commodities: Oil, Wheat, Diamonds, Sugar, Cement, and Gold
Project Funding: We assist you in finding the right funding source for you project

What are Commodities?

A. Commodities are objects that come out of the earth such as orange juice, wheat, cattle, gold and oil. People buy and sell commodities based on speculation. For instance, if you thought hurricanes over Latin America were going to destroy much of the coffee crop, you would call your commodity broker and have them purchase as much coffee as possible. If you were correct, the price of coffee would be driven up drastically because the crop had been destroyed by weather, making the surviving harvest worth more.

Almost all commodity speculators trade on margin which results in substantial risk to the invested principal. The odds are heavily against anyone hoping to build permanent wealth in the commodity markets.

Virtually everything that comes out of the ground [gold, silver, livestock, corn, oil, etc.] can be classified as a commodity. For the more experienced investor, this venue of investing can offer huge returns with very little initial investment. The risks are tremendous and not at all recommended for the inexperienced investor, but some think the outcome more than makes up for the for potential loss.

Commodities and Products

Gold Trading Defined and Explained

Gold Trading has been around for centuries and has also been the keystone for economies through history. Gold continues to have global financial impacts today. Gold is an also an important industrial commodity. Goldis an excellent conductor of electricity, is extremely resistant to corrosion, making it critically important in electronics and other high-tech applications. Gold used in industrial applications utilizes close to 300 tons annually.

Gold Investing

Investing in gold is popular because of the more short term requirements of gold speculators; there is a thriving gold futures market. Gold is also bought as a defensive investment. According to the National Mining Association, mined gold supply is dwarfed by growing global demand for gold. The best estimates today indicate that the global market buys almost 5,000 metric tons of gold each year. Global gold demand exceeds global gold supply by approximately 60% annually, creating an ongoing structural shortage situation.

Gold Trading Prices/Rates

The Gold 100 oz Contract Size is100 fine troy ounces. The tick size for gold is $.10 per troy ounce, or $10 per contract.  Prices are quoted in dollars and cents per fine troy ounce.

The mini Gold contract size is 33.2 fine troy ounces. The tick size for this contract is 10 cents per fine troy ounce or $3.32 per contract.

Aimed at world and US markets, gold trading benefits from recent UK and EU changes in VAT which has made investment in gold exempt from VAT.

Gold Trading

Gold futures and options provide an important alternative to traditional means of investing in gold such as bullion, coins, and mining stocks. Gold contracts are also valuable trading tools for industrial producers and users of the metal. Gold Traders can make thousands of percent in a gold bull market (but lose the same). Gold stock will also rise during inflation... and during deflation, making it attractive to potential traders who can read the market.

Major gold exchanges

  • The Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society in Hong Kong registered under this name with the government in 1918, although trading had been taking place with a degree of rules and regulations since 1910 (as the “Gold and silver exchange coâ€�).
  • The COMEX division of NYMEX began trading on 31st December 1974.
  • The Istanbul Gold Exchange began trading on 26th July 1995.
  • The Shanghai Gold Exchange began trading on 20th October 2002.
  • TOCOM began trading on 23rd March 1982.

Gold Trading Software

Ask any gold trader, producer or general investor what trading tools or types of financial analysis he is using to track gold prices and you're probably going to hear a list of different technologies and methods. However, having the right tool for the job is important.  Trading software can be used to boost an existing approach by supplying an inter-market perspective. The key to a gold trading system is its ability to forecast moving averages.  One of the better gold trading software products is VantagePoint trading software.  This software can help “see� what is likely to happen in the gold market before other traders (using only single-market analysis) catch wind of it.

Gold Trading Major Indicators and indices

Gold 100 ounce contract month closes are2 Feb, 2 Apr, 2 Aug and 2 Oct; 5 Jun and 5 Dec.
Mini Gold contract months are Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec.
The last trading day for gold is the business day immediately before the last two business days of the contract month.

Gold Trading News

There are multiple information sources that can give valuable input to a gold trading decision.

  • American Metals Market (AMM)
  • National Mining Association offers Information on Gold Investing
  • World Gold Council
  • The Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) is China/st1:place>'s first gold exchange approved by the State Council and founded by the People's Bank of China. The exchange performs the regulated functions stipulated by Management Rules of Gold Exchange and organizes gold transactions.
  • TThe Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange (DGCX) is the exchange has been developed to facilitate the trade of gold and commodities. Transactions on the DGCX will take place on a state-of the-art electronic trading platform and is expected to commence operations in Q3 of 2005.
  • The Mid-America Commodity Exchange (MidAm) allows traders to view prices and trade commodity futures contracts for gold, platinum and silver on this exchange. Formerly named the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT).
  • The New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) is the world's largest physical commodity futures exchange for metals such as aluminum, copper, gold, palladium, platinum and silver and energy. Quotes, charts, futures & options settlement prices are all available online.
  • The Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) trades aluminum and precious metals futures contracts for gold, silver, platinum and palladium products on this continuous computerized trading exchange.
  • The Sydney Morning Herald in Australia/st1:country-region> cover the financial and gold markets.

Gold Trading History

For centuries, gold has been valued for its unique blend of beauty and monetary value. Nations have embraced gold as a measure of wealth and a foundation of international exchange; individuals have sought to possess gold as insurance against the day-to-day uncertainties of paper money.


  • Aluminum
  • Brent crude
  • Cocoa
  • Coffee
  • Copper
  • Corn
  • Cotton
  • CRB Commodities Index
  • Crude oil
  • Feeder cattle
  • Gold
  • Lean hogs
  • Live cattle
  • Natural gas
  • Orange juice
  • Palladium
  • Platinum
  • Pork bellies
  • Silver
  • Soybeans
  • Sugar
  • Unleaded Gasoline
  • Wheat